Saturday, May 30, 2020

Tips For Writing Your Own Essay - Sample Essay

<h1>Tips For Writing Your Own Essay - Sample Essay</h1><p>The composing test article for the AP Literature and Composition test at the University of Southern California is an open door for understudies to practice and immaculate their composing aptitudes before taking the genuine AP test. Albeit most understudies don't take the ACT's Writing area until the second semester of school, understudies should at present remember the AP writing and arrangement segment before taking the ACT.</p><p></p><p>The motivation behind an example article is to make another report that shows you have some information on the best way to structure a discourse or new archive. This paper is like another introduction, you would give in a course or class that you would need to come to your meaningful conclusions obviously and compactly. Understudies who are composing for the AP writing and arrangement area should utilize a similar point of view and thinking forms as t he ACT segment for the ACT Writing section.</p><p></p><p>This composing test exploits the abilities you would gain from a craftsmanship history educator at USC. The significant distinction is that as opposed to making another archive, you utilize the structure and arrangement of the authority AP test. Understudies should be acquainted with all the prompts that show up on the AP test and furthermore comprehend the arrangement of a government sanctioned test for the AP Literature and Composition section.</p><p></p><p>In the paper, understudies will dissect what is remembered for the artistic works. They will likewise observe what is happening inside the work and how the essayist utilizes language. Understudies ought to have the option to break down the entirety of the segments of the article and afterward utilize these parts to expand upon the focuses they make all through the exposition. You will perceive how the structure of the genuin e test is applied to the essay.</p><p></p><p>Students who discover the structure of the AP test fascinating and simple to apply can begin with a duplicate of the full content of one of the works remembered for the AP Literature and Composition test and read it resoundingly to a teacher in a workshop or class where they would be talking about it. There are models in numerous books to show you the structure of an AP test and how to utilize the AP Literature and Composition segment to expand upon the data you gain from this bit of the AP exam.</p><p></p><p>Some approaches to structure an example paper incorporate utilizing a current artistic work, framing a subject, associating a solitary thought with numerous others, distinguishing a solid character or topic, and so forth. Composing an example paper is tied in with picking up information, so understudies should attempt their best to see all the pieces of the AP test and structure their a rticles with the standards and organization they are instructed. This is significant so understudies will realize what to compose and why. Understudies can likewise make notes or portions that show up in the exposition, yet this ought to be brief.</p><p></p><p>Students who can peruse well should peruse an example paper and utilize the structure and arranging techniques portrayed by the workmanship history educator at USC. Understudies who have a solid composition or talking foundation can likewise consider taking a survey course in AP Literature and Composition or whatever other significant level course that manages writing.</p>

Friday, May 29, 2020

The Development Of The Basel 3 Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Basel 3 is refers to the new update of the Basel accords that is under development. Basel 3  is a comprehensive set of reform measures, developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, to strengthen the regulation, supervision and risk management of the banking sector. These measures aim to: improve the banking sectors ability to absorb shocks arising from financial and economic stress, whatever the source improve risk management and governance Strengthen banks transparency and disclosures. The reforms target: Bank-level, or micro prudential, regulation, which will help raise the resilience of individual banking institutions to periods of stress. Macro prudential,  system wide risks that can build up across the banking sector as well as the procyclical amplification of these risks over time. These two approaches to supervision are complementary as greater resilience at the individual bank level reduces the risk of system wide shocks. The Basel Committees oversight body the Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS) agreed on the broad framework of Basel 2I in September 2009and the Committee set out concrete proposals in December 2009. These consultative documents formed the basis of the Committees response to the financial crisis and are part of the global initiatives to strengthen the financial regulatory system that have been endorsed by the G20 Leaders. The GHOS subsequently agreed on key design elements of the reform pack age at its July 2010 meeting and on the calibration and transition to implement the measures at its September 2010 meeting. Basel 3 is part of the Committees continuous effort to enhance the banking regulatory framework.  It builds  on the International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards document (Basel 2). 1.2. DEVELOPMENT OF BASEL 3 ACCORD: 1.2.1. Summary of proposed changes in Basel 3: The consistency, transparency and the consistency of the capital is raised. The risk coverage of the framework is strengthened. The committee introduced the leverage ratio as a supplementary measure to the Basel 2 framework. The committee introduced a series of measures to promote to the buildup of the capital buffers. The committee is introducing the series of measures to the address procyclicality. Achieve the macro prudential goal of protecting the bank from the excess of the credit growth. Providing the stronger provisions. Th e committee is introducing a global liquidity standard for internationally active banks. 1.2.2. Basel 3 and Recent Efforts to Address Pro Cyclical Effects of Basel 2 In response to the recent Financial Crisis and to the realization that capital levels (which banks operated with) during the period of the Crisis were insufficient and also lacking in quality, the Basel Committee responded by raising the quality of capital as well as its level. Further consequences of the recent Basel reforms also include: A tightening of the definition of common equity Limitation of what qualifies as Tier 1 capital An introduction of a harmonized set of prudential filters The enhancement of transparency and market discipline through new disclosure requirements. The introduction of Basel 2 resulted in changes being made to the 1988 Basel Capital Accord to provide for a choice of three broad approaches to credit risk. This was introduced into Basel 2 in view of the realization th at the optimal balance may differ significantly across banks.The increased focus on risk (and particularly credit risk), resulted from growing realization of the importance of risk within the financial sector. The range of approaches to credit risk as introduced under Basel 2, and which also exists for market risk, consists of the standardized approach (which is the simplest of the three broad approaches), the Internal Ratings based (IRB) foundation approach and the IRB advanced approach. Under the standardized approach, regulatory capital requirements are more closely aligned and in harmony with the principal elements of banking risk owing to the introduction of wider differentiated risk weights and a broader recognition of techniques which are applied in the risks. The proposals defining the contents of the Basel 3 framework evolved during the crisis that started in 2007, and reflect the prudential regulatory lessons learned throughout the crisis. Based on these experien ces, including the success of various regulatory policies and tools used in mitigating and resolving the effects of the crisis on the banking system and the global financial system, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision outlined these new regulations. 1.3. BASEL COMMITTEE: The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which sets rules that national banking regulators implement, announced a comprehensive reform package in September that raises capital requirements and, for the first time, sets global standards for overall borrowing, known as leverage, and liquidity. The Basel 3 rules are designed to make banks more resilient and prevent a repeat of the financial crisis, but several provisions combine to make trade finance, already a low-margin business, much less profitable. Portions of the leverage rule, new risk-weighting requirements and the rules for liquidity raise the costs of trade finance for banks. The combination could drive many smaller banks out of the market and prompt large banks to cut back their lending, bankers and policymakers say. Banking groups and policymakers are lobbying for changes to the proposals, as is Lars Thunell, head of the IFC, the World Banks private sector arm. They point out that outsourcing by companies in the developed world is a critical source of jobs and investment and trade finance is an essential part of the process. Mike Rees, chief executive of wholesale banking at Standard Chartered, the worlds second-biggest provider of trade finance after HSBC, says: If they want to promote economic growth, the Basel Committee should encourage trade finance, one of the few things that create jobs in a global economy. The Basel 3 reforms hit at trade finance in several ways. The rules sharply increase the risk-weighting of lending between financial firms an essential element of trade finance because it involves the importers bank lending money to the exporters bank, often through a letter of credit. The Basel 3 ru les risk making it uneconomic to provide transaction banking services, warns Brian Stevenson, head of transaction banking at RBS: Tougher operational risk capital and liquidity requirements could make the business of providing services to financial institutions inefficient if they went too far. Much of trade finance is also supported by export credit guarantees, which are essentially government credits and therefore in theory low-risk. But the new rules also tighten the definition of what counts as a government guarantee; some export credit agencies may not qualify. Simon Gleeson, partner at Clifford Chance, the law firm, says: An enormous number of letters of credit are guaranteed by a form of government support, which should mean they carry a zero per cent risk rating. But Basel 3 is much tighter about what can count as a government-backed credit and many export credit agencies have been privatized. Basel 3s new leverage ratio will also bring trouble for trade finance, wh en it takes effect in the latter part of this decade. The rule seeks to prevent banks from gaming the risk-weighting rules, by requiring banks to hold top quality core tier one capital equal to 3 per cent of their total assets, including those traditionally held off-balance sheet. The part of the liquidity proposals that would require banks to match long-term obligations with long-term funding and vice versa, could also penalize trade finance. Bankers say they understand why regulators are trying to crack down on dependence on short-term funding but they also say that it is unfair to lump trade finance which is well collateralized and not self-renewing with other short-term funding, such as working capital and liquidity guarantees. A transaction banking subgroup within the UK Bankers Association for Finance and Trade is lobbying the Basel Committee in an effort to persuade regulators to soften the rules. 1.4. Research objectives and questions: The research object ives of the study are: To focus on the liquidity risk from the wide range of risks available in Basel 3. To focus on the impacts of the Basel 3 proposals for Liquidity Risk.    Questions:   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  The purpose of the study was to discover the following: Does the liquidity risk break down the risk silos? Is the liquidity risk in the Basel 3 on the right track? Will the new rules in the liquidity risk will be helpful to improve the committees approach? Will the liquidity risk makes bank strong? Does the Basel committee understand the linkage between the liquidity risk and capital? Does the committee fail to understand the nature of liquidity risk? Is the Basel 3s approach to the liquidity risk missed the opportunity to break down the risk silos? 1.5. BASEL 3 IMPACT: The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee) has undertaken a program of substantial revisions of its capi tal guidelines. In particular, the changes envisaged in the so called Basel 2.5 guidelines will result in increased capital requirements for market risk; in addition, the so-called Basel 3 guidelines set new minimum capital ratios, revise the definition of Tier 1 Capital, introduce Tier 1 common equity as a regulatory metric, and make substantial revisions to the computation of risk-weighted assets for credit exposures. Implementation of the new requirements under Basel 2.5 and Basel 3 is expected to take place over an extended transition period, starting at the end of 2012. There continues to be considerable uncertainty regarding the impact of the Basel Committees new guidelines. Although certain important aspects of Basel 3 have now been finalized, other matters remain under discussion; in addition, the federal banking regulatory agencies in the United States have not yet issued draft regulations by which they will implement either Basel 2.5 or Basel 3 for banks and bank holdin g companies. Accordingly, the final regulations to which Goldman Sachs will be subject may be substantially different from our current expectations. In order to assess the firms position under the Basel Committees new guidelines, we have adjusted our computation of Tier 1 common equity and risk-weighted assets as of June 2010 to reflect our good faith estimate of the impact of the methodologies set out in Basel 2.5 and Basel 3. In addition, we have adjusted the June 2010 computation to reflect assumed changes in shareholders equity and risk-weighted assets at year-end 2012. In particular, shareholders equity has been increased from June 2010 levels by an amount equal to analysts consensus earnings expectations for 2010 less actual June YTD earnings, plus earnings for 2011 and 2012, which are assumed to be equal to consensus earnings for 2010. Risk-weighted assets have been adjusted to reflect the contractual and expected run-off of positions in our mortgage derivative and credit correlation businesses, both of which will be significantly impacted by the introduction of Basel 2.5. No other items have been adjusted, and this calculation should not be taken as a projection of what our capital ratios, risk-weighted assets, earnings or other results will actually be at year-end 2012.  1.6. STUDY OF THE RISK MANAGEMENT: The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision expects risks such as the credit risk, liquidity risk, operational risk etc to be recognized, addressed and managed by banking institutions in a prudent manner according to the fundamental characteristics and challenges of e-banking services. These characteristics include the unprecedented speed of change related to technological and customer service innovation, the ubiquitous and global nature of open electronic networks, the integration of e-banking applications with legacy computer systems and the increasing dependence of banks on third parties that provide the necessary information technology. While not creating inherently new risks, the Committee noted that these characteristics increased and modified Some of the traditional risks associated with banking activities, in particular strategic, operational, legal and reputational risks, thereby influencing the overall risk profile of banking.à ƒâ€š   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  In the following sections the liquidity risk is focused on risk management. LIQUIDTY RISK MANAGEMENT: The recent financial crisis involved a sharp decrease in market liquidity and growing distrust among market participants, resulting in serious (liquidity and solvency) problems for many banks. This led in turn  to reliance upon financial support from governments, often  under restrictive conditions or even nationalization. This lack of liquidity, the vast sums the central banks injected into markets and sovereigns provided for the support of tarnished institutes to alleviate the problems as well as the subsequent substantial impact on the real economy has brought  liquidity risk to the forefront of regulatory authorities priorities, and to the attention of the public in general. Dimensions of liquidity (risk) The term liquidity is used in the financial world in different contexts: liquidity as a measure of the salability of securities such as bonds or shares liquidity as a description of the financial solvency of individual institutions liquidity as a level of market activity liquidity as unhindered cash flows within an economy The primary objective of liquidity risk management remains the same: to ensure  an institutions ability to meet financial obligations as they fall due at all times for example, achievable by an adequate liquidity buffer consisting of unencumbered, high quality liquid assets. By its digital character (either a firm is able to meet financial obligations or it is out of business) liquidity risk takes on a unique position within the risk management; unlike other types of risk (market risk, credit risk, operational risk etc.) it cannot be covered entirely by regulatory capital requirements, but it has a significant emphasis on short term activities, requiring immediate but adequate reaction in stresse d situations.  Ãƒâ€š To successfully manage liquidity risk, one should consider all relevant factors: from the business structure which determines liquidity needs, the analysis of markets (market price, market liquidity and market depth), and finally the necessary level of funding diversification. This makes liquidity risk management a very complex and comprehensive topic. New regulatory requirements One consequence of the recent crisis is closer supervision and a tighter regulatory regime to be imposed upon the banks and financial markets by Government-sponsored regulatory authorities. Recent updates of the MaRisk (regulatory requirements in Germany, 08/2009) reveal the lessons learned through the financial crisis. The following innovations can be found: Specification of three types of stress scenarios (idiosyncratic, market-wide and combination of both) that have to be considered in the treatment of liquidity risk Updated requirements for the pro vision of liquidity reserves Separate analysis of liquidity per currency In general, the updated MaRisk requirements (regarding the coverage and the degree of specification) are significantly less stringent than those released by the UKs FSA, as described in the following section. In October 2009 the FSA (the UK regulatory authority) specified new regulatory requirements concerning liquidity risk management in the policy statement PS09/16 (Strengthening liquidity standards), thereby  finalizing a series of consultation papers (CP08/22, CP09/13 and CP09/14). The policy details new requirements such as the Individual Liquidity Adequacy Standards (ILAS) or the Liquidity Reporting. Crucial points are: enhanced system and control requirements for adequate liquidity risk management  Ãƒâ€š definition of principles of adequate liquidity and self-sufficiency multidimensional breakdown of contracts (e.g. currency, asset type or time buckets) s tress-test scenarios have to cover short-term and protracted stress scenarios (2 weeks / 3 months), institution-specific (idiosyncratic) and market-wide stress, as well as combinations of both all evaluated across 10 prescribed key risk drivers coherent interpretation of results and individual liquidity guidance (ILG) by the FSA new definition of liquid assets and risk-based buffer as well as the demand for a regular realization of a significant portion of the liquidity buffer New reporting regime: granular, frequent (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly) and partially automated the Enhanced Mismatch Report has to be submitted weekly (with the ability to report daily) in an automated process. With regard to systemic risks  these standards do not only apply to UK firms only, but also to non-UK firms with branches in the UK. In order to keep the regulatory requirements to a reasonable  level, modifications and simplification on an individual basis are provided . In particular, non-UK firms with branches in UK may apply for a whole-firm modification in the course of which the supervision is mainly left to the parent firm and only a significantly reduced amount of reports at low frequency (but for the whole firm) has to be submitted. Based on their Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision published in 09/2008 the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) issued a new consultation document International framework for liquidity risk measurement, standards and monitoring for comment in December 2009. Within this paper they propose amongst other things two new standards: Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR): ratio of the stock of unencumbered, high quality liquid assets  to the net cash outflows over a 30-day time period under an acute liquidity stress scenario (prescribed combination of idiosyncratic and market-wide shock). Net Stable Funding (NSF) ratio: ratio of the available amount of stable f unding  to the required amount of stable funding.  Ãƒâ€š The LCR is intended as a measure for the short-term (30 days) view in a stressed situation (prescribed by the supervisors), whereas the NSF ratio has a longer perspective (1 year) on the funding needs with respect to illiquid assets and securities held (regardless of accounting treatment). Furthermore, the paper recommends consistent monitoring tools; including contractual maturity mismatch, concentration of funding, available unencumbered assets, and market-related tools to monitor the liquidity risk profiles of supervised entities. Following the invitation of the BCBS to comment upon this document, the international discussion on sound liquidity risk management and corresponding supervision will continue, and further standards and requirements on national level will be developed. Liquidity risk management framework Prior to the crisis, the management of liquidity risks was not an issue because banks were  accustomed to a functioning interbank money market which usually was a reliable source for short-term funding. Nowadays sound liquidity risk management has gained significant importance and is emphatically required by public and regulators. All firms active in the financial  markets should be equipped with an adequate framework to identify measure, manage and monitor  their liquidity risks. The aims of a comprehensive liquidity risk management, based on a well-founded knowledge and understanding of the institutions liquidity profile, are included in (but not limited to) the following aspects: Securing the institutions ability to meet its financial obligations at all times, and  possessing a graduated and detailed plan for different stress situations at hand Creation of revenue possibilities by controlled maturity transformation and resulting in applicable steering recommendations Optimization of liquidity costs (e.g. the composit ion of the liquidity buffer) On  an organizational level, the liquidity risk management framework should be separated into a management and a controlling side. At the top level, the Board of Directors defines the risk appetite and sets the liquidity risk strategy which has to be approved, and will be continuously monitored, by the Supervisory Board. On  an operational level the Treasury department is responsible for meeting the short-term financial obligations of the firm. The risk controlling department assures that all Treasury operations stay within the liquidity risk strategy. Moreover, the risk controlling department defines modeling for liquidity risk analyses (e.g. for non-deterministic cash flows) and performs stress tests. Results emanating from  the risk controlling departments actions  on the liquidity situation of the bank may also serve as basis for regulatory reporting. We can see the liquidity risk in detail in the following chapters .

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The 30-Second Trick for British English Essay Samples

<h1> The 30-Second Trick for British English Essay Samples</h1> <h2>The Tried and True Method for British English Essay Samples in Step by Step Detail </h2> <p>When figuring out how to make an English exposition, it is useful to gain from someone who has really composed a couple of themselves. In this way, the estimation of English language can't be debased. It is likewise basic for understudies when it comes to English Language assessments. English language has developed into one of our chief resources in getting a worldwide authority. </p> <p>The thought of basic entitlements expresses that all non-human creatures should be viewed as people rather than assets. Maybe the most run of the mill issue that understudies have, when they're alloted an exposition, is they aren't even sure how to begin. In many examples, they come up short on the best possible language aptitudes, look into time and direction important to do an ideal task. Naturally, they need more time to deal with their assignments, or even accomplish explore work while shuffling their out-of-school life. </p> <p>The vernaculars of the 2 renditions of the language are additionally rather extraordinary. The individual is probably going to overlook a few focuses. Another angle which make English so well known is the way that it is very easy to learn. The 2 dialects are very comparable, so much that it's very straightforward between the 2 nations. </p> <p>You see, the shows of English expositions are to some degree more standard than you may might suspect and, in an assortment of ways, it tends to be as simple as tallying to five. Including some of the triumphant components from the example papers beneath will gracefully you with the additional imprints you should be a high-scorer on the IELTS. In English Language, creations or expositions really are one of the most basic aspects of the subject. Composing great structures is critical in the English Language in the inclination that it allows the understudy to be able to communicate what is in their psyche with respect to a particular issue. </p> <p>Let's state that you're composing an article on The significant reasons for Road Accidents in your City, it's undeniable you will build up two or three focuses. At unequivocally a similar time, he's given another perspective on the ring from the perspective on a spouse who's plainly harming and troubled. We can use Engli sh to create ourselves socially and really so we may rival the absolute best side in the territory of psyche and matter. Despite the concise period, you had the capacity to fix my concern. </p> <p>In request to think of own style you'll have the option to use English exposition tests that you can go over on the web. English article position is fundamental, so you have to hold fast to a specific structure. At the point when it is refered to once more, an abbreviated form might be utilized. </p> <p>These Essays would ordinarily focus on writings. Refering to the writers or the distributions in your article is something you need to not disregard to do. </p> <p>Looking at IELTS article subjects with answers is a noteworthy implies that will assist you with getting prepared for the test. Moreover, there are various instances of papers that may intrigue you. The subject of your article is basic. There are a few fascinating and testing Shakespeare exposition themes to pick from. </p> <p>Even in the event that you accept you're a terrible author today, you can figure out how to take your basic paper and change it into something much increasingly powerful. The obsolete English writing is essentially account, story or epic. Commonly, end should be an outline of your contention, however just summing up the key focuses don't empower you to have an incredible prevalent writing article end. I henceforth considered the idea of the book that is presently before the peruser. </p> <p>Additionally, by contending for the opposite side of your sentiment, you will realize which focuses you need to more readily address in your exposition. Phenomenal associations between contentions are every now and again an entanglement to scholars, and by ensuring brilliant associations are made, you can fortify your paper! In the event that you must create a more extended or progressively muddled paper, it might assist with plotting either side of the contention before you start composing. For example, in case you're composing an exposition on How Global Warming can be brought down, it'll be an extraordinary thought which you pause for a moment to characterize what an unnatural weather change is about in your early on passage. </p>

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Literary Topics For Research Paper

Literary Topics For Research PaperAfter all of the preparation you did to make your paper to write, the next step is to research literary topics for research paper. Most people find this part quite a challenge but it doesn't have to be. Here are some literary topics for research paper that you may consider doing.'Vanity Fair' is one literary topic for research paper that you can do. This type of research paper will look at the history of celebrity magazines and what their business model is. You will also look at how they market the products and services that celebrities endorse. The research can show whether the authorship and the credibility of the book and magazine have been properly established.If you are not sure about writing or reporting, this subject is a good subject for research paper. Just about every major corporation has a press release. Many of them are also an interesting read. Once you have gathered all of these, you can begin to write and research them to write about and to write and report on.These literary topics for research paper will help you evaluate the books and magazines and other publications that are published today. You may have noticed some similarities between the books that you were reading and the publications that were being published. Why is there a need to know this? You may want to take notes while reading on other products that are similar to the book or magazine that you are comparing.By looking at the economic effects of the book or magazine that you are comparing, you will have a better understanding of how well the authors and the publication did financially. Even if the subjects are very similar to each other, you may still be able to learn something new. You may discover new ideas in the areas that you were not expecting.There are many more literary topics for research paper that you can include in your writing. There are many subjects that will allow you to make connections that you never expected. If you are a writer , you may want to make sure that you are not distracted by the subject. Even if the subject is boring to you, try to find the enjoyment in it.By including literary topics for research paper, you will be able to find ways to impress your readers and make them want to keep reading. By giving them a way to understand the writers and the world that they live in, you can help them to see a different perspective. You can become an expert in your field and help others to become experts. You can help others to see the truths that others may be afraid to see.By including literary topics for research paper, you will be able to find connections and ways to research these things. It is not hard to find a subject that you love. When you have enough topics that you love, you may want to add more of them. By incorporating them into your other assignments, you will be able to move to a different level.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Three Parts of Learning How to Do Research Papers For College

<h1>The Three Parts of Learning How to Do Research Papers For College</h1><p>Many understudies consider investigate papers as a significant piece of their advanced degree, however some don't have a clue how to begin getting ready for them. Prior to entering school, most understudies realize that they ought to get ready for their SAT or ACT, and they have a harsh thought of what is anticipated from them. Be that as it may, there are numerous different things that understudies ought to find out about and how to get ready for them, including research papers, investigate papers for school, and how to plan for doing research.</p><p></p><p>Colleges consistently search for understudies who can have an independent perspective. Understudies should have the option to research and present their examination discoveries in a way that will intrigue the affirmations officials at the school. Probably the most ideal approaches to excel is to build up your own system for how to do inquire about papers for school. You may be shocked at exactly that it is so natural to research and present your discoveries on the off chance that you follow some straightforward advances. The capacity to do your own exploration frequently falls into place without any issues for understudies since they definitely realize how to compose essays.</p><p></p><p>However, it is a smart thought to design cautiously how you approach figuring out how to do your examination and present your discoveries. There are three essential strides for doing research papers for school. They are: examine, compose, and polish.</p><p></p><p>Research - with regards to investigate papers for school, understudies must have the option to inquire about and write such that will intrigue the confirmations official. It is nothing but bad assembling a paper about a book that you read once. You should completely examine and get ready for every the me on your exploration paper. Keep in mind, universities consistently need understudies who can compose and research.</p><p></p><p>Write - When it comes to composing papers, graduate understudies will utilize their exploration and information about the topic to assemble an article. They will figure out how to organize, refer to, and refer to sources appropriately so as to make a lucid and fascinating bit of composing. When composing research papers for school, the author will figure out how to set up a decent acquaintance and the presentation with every part. There are numerous different tips and deceives that they will discover that will assist them with concocting the best expositions possible.</p><p></p><p>Polish - No issue how great your exploration and compose aptitudes are, you will never compose the best paper on the off chance that you don't clean your article. Understudies will locate the best research paper for school, compos ing it, and overcoming it simply after they have cleaned it. You might be asking why this is so significant. The reason for cleaning your paper is to ensure that it is in the same class as it tends to be the point at which you at last get it explored by affirmations officers.</p><p></p><p>After these things have been scholarly, the time has come to figure out how to compose articles. Understudies will discover that doing examination and composing articles are two unique things. An understudy can apply their aptitudes in research and composing articles and papers, however they should clean them first. They will discover that article composing is not the same as research and they should figure out how to do both appropriately so as to be successful.</p><p></p><p>These are the three most significant pieces of figuring out how to do inquire about papers for school. At the point when these means are taken, an understudy can prevail as far a s they can tell, yet they can likewise appreciate it!</p>

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Film Of A Small Town Theatre - 1140 Words

In a small town theatre in Falmouth, Maine, I sat on a newly renovated cushioned chair alongside my mother. The small auditorium left not a seat empty on Black Friday. We settled in with our coats as blankets and our smuggled in Diet Cokes tucked in the cupholders. The title rose onto the screen, and we began to watch the film The Edge of Seventeen. The film is contemporary and was released in 2016. It was produced by Gracie Films and Huayi Brothers Pictures. The Romantic-Comedy-Drama follows the life of a teenage girl named Nadine, and the story is told from her perspective through first person narration. The protagonist is awkward, lonely, and depressed. Nadine’s behavior spirals out of her control when her best friend Krista begins dating her brother Darian. The film centers around Nadine trying to navigate the world of love and loss as she comes to terms with her father’s death and her complicated relationships. This paper will focus on the different relationships Nadine has with other characters in the film and on how these relationships contribute to the development and identity of the protagonist. The most important relationship to the fabula is in the exposition of the film between Nadine and her father. During the time the film is set Nadine’s father has passed away, so we see her father through a series of flashbacks. Her father is portrayed as her role model; as someone who had always been there for her. When he is on screen the colors have a high saturation andShow MoreRelatedEssay about A History of Violence639 Words   |  3 Pagesnot familiar with David Cronenbergs work watching this one film quickly acclimated me to his extreme methods of capturing reality. Many of the images projected on the screen evoked such a visceral reaction that the emotions of the characters seemed to live vicariously through the audience. 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Not all of the things brought up in the film directly relate to the incidents at Columbine High School but rather provide a broader idea on the state of America today. Issues of the white mans ever growing fear of the African-American are traced back to the roots and then brought into ideas applicable to present day. Along with such ideas, the main point of this film is the influence of government and the mediaRead More Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre Essay962 Words   |  4 PagesShakespeare and the Globe Theatre Plays have always been a big attraction throughout the centuries. William Shakespeare is most commonly known as one of the best play writers of all time. Even without the modern technology that we have today, Shakespeare was able to deliver magnificent plays using the Globe Theatre. Though Shakespeare wrote many plays, he did not write an autobiography, and none of the letters he wrote could be found. 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Her father, Henry Durrell Ball, was a telephone lineman for the Bell Company, while her mother, Dà ©sirà ©e (DeDe) Hunt, was often described as a lively and energetic young woman. While DeDe was pregnantRead MoreThe Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum1689 Words   |  7 Pagessubject of much speculation after her disappearance. This home of her birth was her grandparents when she was born there in 1897. 223 North Terrace Street Atchison, KS 66002 (913) 367-4217 Hours: M-F 9AM-4PM Conclusion Senator Atchison’s namesake town will have you feeling like senator Atchison did himself when President Zachary Taylor refused to take the Oath of Office on March 4, 1849, like president for a day! The friendly people, historic attractions, dining day trippers daydreams, riverside

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

New Questions About Honors Society Application Essay Sports Samples Answered and Why You Must Read Every Word of This Report

<h1> New Questions About Honors Society Application Essay Sports Samples Answered and Why You Must Read Every Word of This Report</h1> <h2> Want to Know More About Honors Society Application Essay Sports Samples? </h2> <p>Other schools may might want you to form an additional article that is explicit to that school. The paper for Florida state college isn't required, yet it's exceptionally prompted. In this manner, it isn't only the ideal spot for me, it is the main spot for me. Up and coming undergrads may likewise be mentioned to make a school paper for a bit of their first prerequisites. </p> <p>If you wish to make a school article which works, you should give significance on the substance which you will give the confirmations official of your planned college with. At the point when you begin to make your school application exposition, consider all the things which make you the individual which you're. Because you've just composed a school paper for a solitary college doesn't imply that it might likewise apply on your next applications. Building up an astonishing school article may lose its motivation in the occasion the substance of what you've composed isn't what the college is requesting. </p> <p>Once you conceptualize, you are going to realize what you might want to state, yet you need to conclude how you're probably going to state it. Guide out what you're probably going to compose by making a diagram. There are a couple of things you can do in your exposition to be seen and get acknowledged. There's no spot progressively essential to create an extr aordinary early introduction than on paper. </p> <h2> The Honors Society Application Essay Sports Samples Stories</h2> <p>For case, if the organization school mentioned a DOC, that is the thing that you have to send. For instance, a clinical school candidate ought to investigate the ability to work pleasantly with others and exceed expectations ahead of time science courses. In the event that you have settled on the choice to apply, at that point you need to hope to discover more on the affirmation technique, to assess your probability for entering the program. The IB program is incredibly hard and takes a lot of endeavors and time. </p> <p>Most schools likewise grant you to send in a paper program, which hypothetically gives you expanded authority over your exposition organizing. Right, it's tied in with making sense of how to create an application paper. The Honors Program application needs a lot of certain exposition inquiries alongside the pap ers required for the general application to GW. It offers a serious application process. </p> <p>Include data in regards to how you will development. These guidelines will furnish you with some supportive indications on the most ideal approach to form a distinctions application exposition. The individual explanation is among the most urgent pieces of the application. It is where you get an opportunity to include a distinctive fixing that makes your application one that can't be cannot. </p> <h2>Ok, I Think I Understand Honors Society Application Essay Sports Samples, Now Tell Me About Honors Society Application Essay Sports Samples! </h2> <p>The term of your exposition isn't what colleges scan for. When you figure out which schools require which articles, you can choose the exact number of unique papers that you'll really ought to compose. Before you begin composing your expositions, you will need to affirm the length prerequisites on the articles for all your objective schools.</p> <p>Your paper should be one of a kind. At the point when you imagine that it is completely completed, you're set up to edit and arrange the paper. On the off chance that you can't state whatever you wish to state in a speedy article, you have to at any rate remain beneath three pages. </p> <p>Your starting passage ought to likewise highlight some kind of proposal articulation, or so the subject of your exposition is clear. The guidelines for composing an incredible paper are the equivalent. Stephen's paper is very successful. Exposition subject decision isn't that straightforward as you accept. </p> <h2>Top Honors Society Application Essay Sports Samples Secrets </h2> <p>Public secondary schools have their own one of a kind decent amount of issues and in the occasion the understudy isn't cautious, they could end up in an enormous chaos. Numerous school specialists ask that you create an application paper before getting an affirmation. Propelled instruction application article themes can spin around the person with address surprising difficulties, including enduring an episode. Simply the best understudies become acknowledged. </p> <h2> The Ultimate Honors Society Application Essay Sports Samples Trick</h2> <p>My art icle composing took an act of two or three months. It's exceptionally helpful to dismantle composing in order to see only the way that it achieves its destinations. At last, the detail of genuine discourse makes the scene pop. Do a little research before you start composing. </p>

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Key Pieces of Persuasive Essay Topics on Bullying

<h1> Key Pieces of Persuasive Essay Topics on Bullying </h1> <h2> Life, Death and Persuasive Essay Topics on Bullying </h2> <p>Social uneasiness can place children and youngsters in dread of the genuine Earth, and make them transform into socially-disconnected. Understudies should be allowed to supplicate in school. They have occupied existences and frequently disregard an up and coming cutoff time. They ought to know about what establishes tormenting. </p> <p>Threats merit separate notice given that they're frequently intense, for instance, murdering dangers. Tormenting frequently requires a cost for the casualty in an assortment of means. Tormenting is among the chief purposes behind the huge school murders. It must not be trifled with in the general public as it might be calamitous for the casualty as well as for the individuals around them too. </p> <h2> The Meaning of Persuasive Essay Topics on Bullying </h2> <p>S ome individuals imagine that internet based life fixation is a fantasy, however others contend that it's a genuine thing. At the platinum degree, you get the chance to pick from the best ten essayists on their staff to make your paper. Mental prosperity, for example, uneasiness, is a basic issue that has all the earmarks of being living in the shadows of increasingly physical wellbeing inconveniences. The abuse of long range interpersonal communication in the present youth has achieved a decent arrangement of very genuine complexities children may not have to suffer, and that is reprehensible. </p> <p>The previously mentioned test of the influential article is probably going to help you recorded as a hard copy your school paper assignments in time. Models may likewise be remembered for all of the body sections to more help and explain your chief focuses. </p> <h2>Persuasive Essay Topics on Bullying and Persuasive Essay Topics on Bullying - The Perfect Combina tion </h2> <p>The convention is permitted in certain states, however it's disapproved of and unlawful in much more states. The understudies ought to appreciate the issue. Intercede at whatever point you can when you discover the signs, and you may spare your understudy or youngster a great deal of misery, and maybe even their life. Numerous understudies feel that it is an exercise in futility. </p> <p>As any guide on the most ideal approach to make a powerful exposition will illuminate you, your article must be sorted out in passages with an intelligent movement from 1 section to the following. Characteristics of a phenomenal convincing paper theme The point should be explicit. So finding the best enticing paper points is significant. There are a ton of captivating points that could be become an enticing paper on the off chance that you accept the open door to consider doing it. </p> <h2> Gossip, Lies and Persuasive Essay Topics on Bullying </h 2> <p>It won't be a lot of an influential article in the event that you select a theme that everyone concurs with your viewpoint. In most of cases, you should deliver a point that will empower others to comprehend your perspective, and mentioning to them to imagine that what you compose is valid. Unmistakably, you shouldn't intentionally choose a subject that will exhaust your crowd. You should ensure that you're extremely keen on the subject before it is conceivable to convince others about it. </p> <p>The perfect approach to choose a theme is to choose a subject that hasn't been examined by others. Choosing the theme When you select your subject, ensure it's intriguing and it needs to get the enthusiasm of the peruser. Choosing an amazing theme is indispensable. A better convincing point likewise needs than be fascinating, applicable and should manage contemporary troubles. </p> <h2>Persuasive Essay Topics on Bullying Explained </h2> <p>You should as of now comprehend what clear and succinct focuses you wish to make and the way you're probably going to back them up, and introducing elective view-focuses. Understudies regularly worry about looking for utile influential exposition tips and scanning for thoughts since they feel it's a tough activity, however try to comprehend the embodiment and create a proper framework first by getting ready for it effectively. A lot of understudies tend to discover composing a powerful exposition to some degree test ing on account of the substance of the article and its elements. </p> <h2>Definitions of Persuasive Essay Topics on Bullying </h2> <p>Every school must have a sex instruction class. Guardians ought to address kids about medications at a young age. All guardians should take child rearing classes. Guardians of menaces should need to pay a fine. </p> <p>Therefore, with respect to composing a recognizably profound article on tormenting, you can find that it's dubious to take a solitary side. It's conceivable to record addresses you expect to ask before you start the discourse. A not too bad enticing discourse theme should be explicit and centered. Among the most notable subjects is the best approach to ensure against harassing paper. </p> <p>SATs should be dispensed with. A paper on harassing isn't confined to characterizing the term. Your exposition on harassing can be managed from numerous points of view. </p> <h2>Finding the Best Persuasive Essay Topics on Bullying </h2> <p>The utilization of weed should be made lawful as a result of its use in meds. Learning the perusing material information is never the whole measure of data which certified guidance strategy to present. Whichever point you select, consistently remember the hugeness of writing sources. Having amazing exploration capacities and choosing a superb point is fundamental. </p>

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Good and Bad Parts of Professor Questions

The Good and Bad Parts of Professor QuestionsArchitecture essay topics vary greatly from one professor to another, depending on the nature of their degree. In some cases, the style of writing and the academic content are not even aligned. This is where architecture professor questions are a must.Any question asked in an architecture college should always be seen as an opportunity to expose a student's strengths and weaknesses. It's a question meant to bring out the most significant and salient features of the student's achievements in his/her subject. When a professor asks this question, it would indicate that he/she believes a student has been successful with his/her thesis. Sometimes, the professor may have noticed something that his/her students do not know, so this question is to expose this hidden skill.Other times, a professor will ask why the student has taken a particular interest in the topic that they wrote an essay on. This is done in order to get the student to explain wh at that interest was for him/her. A student can also be asked if he/she knows more about the topic, rather than just stating his/her opinion. This indicates a student has a greater understanding of the subject and will be able to answer the questions asked.Another use of the professor is to examine the student's writing style. A professor may inquire, what are the basics of writing, such as typefaces and spelling. What if the student writes in an amateurish way? This would help in judging how diligent a student is in completing his/her projects.There are plenty of instances when a professor would criticize a student's choice of words. Asking the professor to critique student's essays, whether in a writing class or in a major paper, is a great way to get a student to improve his/her skills. If a student has made a mistake, ask for a correction. It shows the professor has respect for a student and would only want to see improvement.Asking a professor to judge a student's master thesis will show how serious a student is. When a student wants to pass the final examination, it's highly advised that he/she should show that he/she has what it takes to fulfill the expectations placed upon him/her. Studying in a college would require patience, and patience is the main requirement in architecture essay topics. In order to ace the final test, students should get up on time and prepare in the class as much as possible. It shows dedication and motivation to finish the assignment and finish the paper.Professor questions are not only there to help the student to earn a degree. They also let the student know that he/she needs to work harder in order to surpass his/her peers. When a student gets through the set of questions asked, the professor should have high expectations of the student.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

COMM 331 - 2269 Words

1.0 Introduction According to Reverso (2003), theoretical principles refer to the study based on the ideas and beliefs related to a particular matter that rarely applied. Value and identity, and theoretical issues and are instances of the theoretical principles which the society and corporations should consider as the key to success. These theories will be illustrated and applied to Bittman’s article, â€Å"Good government puts people over business (2015). 2.0 Key Issues in the Article As stated by Bittman (2015), the political economy has underlined what the government found complicated in making decision upon agriculture and economics matters where they are complex soft systems. We have no idea whether they are on track of working or under†¦show more content†¦Yet, there are the corporations controlling the operation of the society and they are all-in-time focus only on their interests. This is because the government found complicated to decide on agriculture and economics matters as they are complex soft systems where there is a lack of idea whether both of them are on track of work or under maintenance. In the article, Jenkins (2008, p. 10) described formal or informal organizations as the most extensive collectivity comprising tacit behavioral customs and norms as well as unambiguous regulations and policies in shared goals, in sets of control and authority, in criteria of employment and in operational standards. According to Ashforth and Mael (1989), an employee normally defined himself or herself in respect of organization, dealing with relation of individual to the organization. A complicated and continuously increasing mixture of planning, improvisation and habit, affected by emotional responses, health and well-being, access to natural resources, knowledge and view of world is known as individual identification. Group, a real but illusory identification, does not have the same ontological status as individuals because human individuals are known as actual entities. People who think themselves are activists symbolize they are collectives who manipulate the politic to their own interest. However, conservatives are thinking in a safer way to keep themselves living in aShow MoreRelatedComm 3311707 Words   |  7 PagesTYLER COBB There are so many different stereotypes of black women, both positive and negative. The media plays a role in how black women are seen in society. A stereotype is a commonly held public belief about or types of individuals. The concepts of stereotype and prejudice are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes can be about different age, racial or ethnic groups based on some prior assumptions. (J.F. Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Class pp33-35). The stereotypesRead More The Evolving Roles of Women in the Economies of Greece and Italy2002 Words   |  9 Pagesone inspiring tale of one woman disguising herself as a man to be an obstetrician, their role in the economy was still little to none. Hellenistic Age: The major turn for women?s roles in Greece finally came with Alexander?s conquests of 331 BC, which led to large-scale political and social upheaval.? Greeks from the mainland migrated to Egypt and Asia and had to conform to new governmental classes.? In the new cities, some conventions were held, but the Egyptians weren?t used to goingRead MoreEvaluation and Structure of Commercial Banks in India2383 Words   |  10 Pages|784 |424 |66 |5.54 | |Sangli Bank |1948 |192 |85 |1985 |812 |137 |4.30 | |SBI Comm. Intl. Bank |1993 |3 |88 |331 |231 |26 |7.65 | |South Indian Bank |1929 |438 |456 |8492 |5365 |709 |3.81 | |TamilnadRead MoreDetecting And Resolving Privacy Conflicts2939 Words   |  12 Pages Carminati, E. Ferrari, and A. Perego, â€Å"Rule-Based Access Control for Social Networks,† Proc. Int’l Conf. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, pp. 1734-1744, 2006. [7] M. Harrison, W. Ruzzo, and J. Ullman, â€Å"Protection in Operating Systems,† Comm. ACM, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 461-471, 1976. [8] B. Carminati, E. Ferrari, and A. Perego, â€Å"Enforcing Access Control in Web-Based Social Networks,† ACM Trans. Information and System Security, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-38, 2009. [9] P. Fong, â€Å"Relationship-BasedRead MoreGeneral Motors Case Study7702 Words   |  31 PagesTerm Investments | 141 | 134 | 5,555 | 16,148 | | | Cash and Short Term Inv | 14,194 | 22,813 | 26,616 | 31,647 | | | Trade Accts Recvble, Gross | 8,340 | 7,768 | 8,951 | 10,280 | | | Prov. for Doubtful Accts | (422) | (250) | (252) | (331) | | | Total Receivables, Net | 7,918 | 7,518 | 8,699 | 9,949 | | | Invent. - Finished Goods | 9,579 | 5,906 | 6,638 | 7,838 | | | Invent. - Raw Materials | 4,849 | 4,201 | 5,487 | 6,486 | | | Inventories - Other | (1,233) | n.a. | nRead MoreConvergys Case10226 Words   |  41 Pages0.4455 | 214 | 0.5999 | 48 | DISQUALIFIED | American Manufacturers Mutual | C | Insurance | 0.5272 | 98 | 0.8150 | 20 | 0.5992 | 49 | 40 | Mid Atlantic Medical Services | C | Insurance | 0.5932 | 71 | 0.6147 | 111 | 0.5986 | 50 | 41 | Dobson Comms Corp | C | Communications | 0.6527 | 34 | 0.4318 | 224 | 0.5975 | 51 | DISQUALIFIED | American General Life | C | Insurance | 0.6531 | 32 | 0.3981 | 244 | 0.5894 | 52 | DISQUALIFIED | Paul Revere Life Insurance Co | C | Insurance | 0.5728 | 79Read MoreEssay on Research on Dell5612 Words   |  23 Pages13 7824 6321 6427 6403 6916 49 16777 11206 10 102441 RD Per Revenue 13 1.38% 1.06% 1.17% 1.09% 1.00% 8 1.53% 1.41% 10 2.83% Quick Ratio 32 1.12 1.26 1.03 1.05 0.85 -7 1.02 1.10 Return on Equity -41 41.86% 39.31% 28.91% 61.19% 71.29% 85 22.55 12.16 331 -41.43% No of NPE Lawsuit 137 19 36 23 28 8 44 19 Net Profit Margin 17 5.63% 4.29% 2.71% 4.06% 4.82% 11 1.6 .97 289 -10.51% Note: Compare in Dell between 2008 to 2012; In Lenovo Between 2011 to 2012 In HP Between 2011 to 2012 2011 126796 1404 90 34960Read MoreThe Censorship of Art Essay example14698 Words   |  59 PagesAC/DC, had died as a result of alcohol abuse). In Nevada, on December 23, 1985, 18-year old Raymond Belknap and his friend James Vance listened to the album Stained Class by the British band Judas Priest (Block 1990:778, 788-789; Houser 1990:327-331). They had been listening to the album for over six hours while smoking marijuana and drinking beer. Afterwards, the two men went to a children’s play area near an empty churchyard. Raymond Belknap put a sawed-off shotgun beneath his chin and shot himselfRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 PagesFILLER PICTURE X(10). 05 SALES–OUT PICTURE $$$,$$$,$$$.99. 05 FILLER PICTURE X(10). 05 COMMISSION PICTURE $$$$,$$$.99. 05 FILLER PICTURE X(47). 77 TEMP–COMMISSION PICTURE 9(6)V99. 77 TOTAL–COMMISSIONS PICTURE 9(10)V99 VALUE 0. 77 TOTAL–COMM–EDITED PICTURE $$,$$$,$$$,$$$.99. 01 MORE–DATA PICTURE X VALUE ‘Y’. 88 THERE–IS–MORE–DATA VALUE ‘Y’. 88 THERE–IS–NO–MORE–DATA VALUE ‘N’. FIGURE 2.11 COBOL Program 45 46 Part I †¢ Information Technology 1 8 12 PROCEDURE

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Akkadian Cuneiform free essay sample

The texts in the royal Assyrian reliefs are written in Akkadian cuneiform. Invented in the Fertile Crescent region, cuneiform is inarguably the most ancient writing system ever known in human history. The writing system originates from relatively simple signs that were presumably coined around 3300B. C. for accounting purpose. Along with the development of civilization, economic productivity in the Fertile Crescent increased exponentially, leading to the expansion of trade even beyond the Mesopotamian region. First inscribed on clay tokens, the seemingly pictographic signs got to be written in more improved medium such as bullae and finally clay tablet that can harbor more complicated information. Also Cuneiform adapted to more progressive structures that later turns into syllabic and eventually alphabetic writing system. The cuneiform was first used by Sumerians, and then it wide spread throughout the region and was later adopted by numerous ethnic groups headed by Babylonians and Assyrians. The adaptation process created Akkadian cuneiform which is basically distinct from its predecessor. From 10th to 7th century B. C. , after Assyrians survived from the invasion of the Sea People which is barely recorded nor preserved in oral transmission, they rapidly expanded their realm and established the empire. According to Albenda, Assyrians were brutal warriors armed with advanced chariot which made them formidable in the Middle East (46). â€Å"The need to maintain the Assyrian army resulted in a series of forays against neighboring communities, and these ventures were countered by attacks, which, if we are correct in our belief, are illustrated on the Assyrian bas-reliefs originally located above the scene of the besieged city. (Albenda, 46) As a result of continual series of conquest, the Assyrians were known to be infamous rulers, which partly was what they aimed to be. The empire prospered along with the expansion. The royal palace in Nimroud, built by a renowned Assyrian emperor, Ashur-nasir-pal II, still reflects the prosperity of the empire. The royal reliefs were excavated from the palace in N imroud, also known as its biblical name Calah. These were made around 860B. C. , at the pinnacle. However, the prosperity did not last forever, and the palace was buried under sand after the fall of the empire. With the fall of Assyria in 612 B. C. , the palace fell into ruins and became completely covered with earth and overgrown. It lay forgotten for 2,500 years, until it was rediscovered by a young British adventurer, Austen Henry Layard, in 1846† (Russell, 655). Layard excavated the ruins of Babylon, ancient cities of southern Mesopotamia, and lastly the imperial capital of Ashurbanipal in the north of Bagdad. He was credited not only for his ability as a diplomat but also for his understanding on the Middle Eastern culture. The Assyrian relief excavated in royal palace of Ashur-nasir-pal II features salient characteristics of both the writing system and the society it was inscribed. First of all, the texts in the reliefs in Nimroud were written in Akkadian language, using logo-syllabic cuneiform signs. Akkadian language is the earliest Semitic language currently known, and it shares significant features with modern day Semitic languages, such as Arabic or Hebrew. Huehnergard and Woods note that the Akkadian grammar system is closely related to that of classic Arabic. 83) Akkadian language was once utilized as a lingua-franca in the Middle East until the 8th century B. C. , when it was marginalized by Aramaic language during the Neo-Assyrian era. However, it still remained as a literary language, widely written for official usage including the reliefs in Assyrian palace. Akkadian was written in cuneiform which had been first invented by Sumerians. Sumerians resided in Mesopotamia, establishing the oldest civilization ever known before Assyrians and Babylonians built their own. Christopher Johnston mentions in his writing that cuneiform tablets of Assyria and Babylonia not only presented a Semitic language, but also idioms considerably differing from Semitic language. The most peculiar feature of the idioms was that these were written for the most part in ideograms, combined with certain phonetic elements. (317) It implies that Akkadian language adopted ideographic features of Sumerian writing system along with Sumerian civilization, making Akkadian cuneiform share both logographic and syllabic characteristics. Johnston states that â€Å"Old tongue [like Sumerian vocabulary in Akkadian language] was preserved as a ritual [and court] language, holding the same place that Latin holds today in the Roman Catholic church† (318). Since Akkadian cuneiform is polyvalent which means it is used in multiple different languages, transliteration of Akkadian cuneiform requires a distinction between different systems. It was composed of Sumerian logograms, syllabograms and determinatives which mark semantic categories in logographic writing. In transliteration format of cuneiform, logograms are written in capital letters, syllables in lower case, and determinatives in superscripts. Moreover, single cuneiform sign can represent multiple sounds and meanings in different languages. Thus even a sign with single transliteration can be presented in various ways when it is normalized. The second salient feature of the relief is its purpose and the usage of it. The Royal relief was inscribed on the wall of the palace so that anybody who visits the palace could see it. One of the characteristics of the relief that shows the usage of it is Standard Inscription: the texts were the same or very similar on each relief. The Standard Inscription begins by giving various names and titles of the king, tracing Ashur-nasir-pal II’s ancestry and summarizes his military conquests. It also briefly recounts the boundaries of his empire and the palace of Nimroud itself. (Russell, 670) The Standard Inscription most evidently harbors the purpose of the text written on the wall relief of the royal palace: to depict the royal ideology. The royal ideology consists of several goals that the reliefs were meant to propagate: the prosperity of the empire and the divinity of the royal blood as descendants of gods. The quote below from one of the reliefs well conveys the ideology. â€Å"And my decorated house like a Syrian palace for my glory in the midst of Kalkhu(Calah or Nimroud) I built†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ extent of earth higher than the former palaces of my fathers from the bed of the Tigres I caused to rise†¦.. the strong foundations against the waters, the stone embankments I strengthened like the mass of a mountain I filled†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ and igures carved in the likenesses of the great gods around I made and they inspired reverence. †(Davis, 18) In some of the reliefs, the emperor is depicted as a hybrid of human and animal, implicating the supernatural power of the ruler. The most representative piece among the depictions is the relief of human and eagle hybrid environed by a divine tree. Along with the dep ictions of supernatural creatures, the Standard Inscription had shown greatness and dignity of the empire to the people visiting the palace in Nimroud. A theme of image that is recurring throughout the clay slabs is display of violence, with its victim varies from enemies to wild beasts. Lion and ox hunting is repetitively presented on the reliefs, showing that Assyrian society valued masculinity and power over harmony and peace. Or sometimes, as mentioned above, lions and oxen are sometimes mixed with human appearance, which figuratively symbolizes the power of the ruler. Other reliefs describe fierce battles in which Assyrian warriors are defeating its enemies (Reade, 87). The images subsequent to the images of battle are mostly depicting the Assyrian army capturing slaves, presenting the penalties that the subjects would face after transgression. The Standard Inscription and the images described in reliefs drive us into the fact that the artifacts were used as a medium propaganda. The continuously repeated text implies that it was not written to informative; informative writing in general is written to harbor more information in a limited space, and therefore repetition of words is unlikely in informative writing. On the contrary, expressions in propaganda are likely to be repetitive, reminding people the message that they want to convey, just like advertising language. The texts and images that present the authority and power of the empire are presumably very effective propaganda for Assyria to threaten and subjugate its neighbors. â€Å"The unlettered person saw the strong figures sacrificing, hunting, fighting and torturing prisoners, and the educated person read the boastful record and both were in this way reminded that the king and his gods were to be feared†(Davies, 20). Non-elites were note likely to view these reliefs in that they would not have often, if ever, permitted into the palace, but even if they were, they were frightened by the image of atrocities. Since Assyrian Empire was a dynasty of conquest that comprises numerous ethnic groups from Egyptians to Elamites, such propaganda of threatening its subjects was necessary to keep the empire from insurgences. According to the evidence previously mentioned, it is unlikely that the reliefs were meant to harbor aesthetic value. In other words, the reliefs were not inscribed on the wall of the palace for artistic purpose. For example, in many of the inscriptions, misspelled words are found, sometimes even from the very first word of a Standard Inscription. It is seemingly very unlikely to happen in royal art pieces. This implies that the texts were not meant to be read thoroughly, word by word. Furthermore, the texts are inscribed in the middle the slabs, intersecting the image. This makes it hard to identify the text. The misspelled words, poor legibility and recurring texts of Standard Inscription indicate that the texts on the reliefs are not written as a literary work with little aesthetic consideration. Not only the text but also the themes of images are repetitive, lacking creativity. Rather than pursuing a certain aesthetic value, the reliefs in general are focused on their function as propaganda, maximizing the function in various methods. Assyrian royal relief excavated from the palace built by Ashur-nasir-pal II shows features of the writing system and culture of the age. The akkadian cuneiform which derived from the Sumerian cuneiform with syllabic featured added was used to inscribe the text. The texts and the images in the reliefs represents the power of Assyrian empire as propaganda, over their function of presenting information or artistic values. BIBLIOGRAPHY John Huehnergard and Christopher Woods, â€Å"Akkadian and Eblaite†, The Ancient Languages of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Aksum, Ed. Roger D. Woodard, Cambridge University Press, 2008. 83 Russell, John Malcom, The Program of the Palace of Assurnasirpal II at Nimrud: Issues in the Research and Presentation of Assyrian Art. American Journal of Archeology, 1998. 655–715 Christopher Johnston, The Sumero-Akkadian Question, 1893. 317-322 Pauline Albenda, A Syro-Palestinian City on a Ninth Century B. C. Assyrian Relief, 1972. 46 J. E. Reade, The Neo-Assyrian Court and Army: Evidence from the Sculptures, 1972. 87-112